Opioid Detox
Drugs to Counteract Opioid Withdrawal
Opioid withdrawal symptoms may include restlessness, insomnia, body pains, cold flashes, nausea and vomiting. If you're under the care of a doctor, she may prescribe a synthetic opioid that will not produce a high but should help ease these symptoms. Some drugs that are prescribed to opioid addicts are methadone, buprenorphine and naltrexone. Learn about these drugs first and discuss their side effects with your doctor, as some are also addictive.
Therapy and Support Groups
Psychological symptoms of opioid withdrawal can include depression, anxiety, mood swings and increased sensitivity to pain. These may be alleviated through sessions with a licensed therapist or psychiatrist. For many opioid addicts, it may help to attend support group meetings with other drug addicts who understand what they are going through. Narcotics Anonymous is a 12-step program with meetings throughout the day in cities all across the nation.
Home Remedies
Flush opioids and other toxins from your system with plenty of water and juice. Cranberry and pomegranate juice help eliminate toxins from your urinary tract. You can also buy detox teas at health food stores that help flush out and purify your body. Goldenrod tea is known for its ability to cleanse the kidneys, which gather up toxins as they perform their daily actions on the body, as well as flushing the digestive and urinary tracts. You can drink a cup or two every day of your detox. Milk thistle tea helps protect and flush out the liver, where toxins also accumulate.
Supplement your diet with foods known to cleanse toxins from the body such as flaxseed oil and uva ursi, also called bearberry. Uva ursi purifies the kidneys and bladder. Flaxseed oil can flush the entire body.
Physical activity aids opioid detox in several ways. Exercise helps rid your body of toxins that are stored in your fat cells and also helps you sweat out toxins. If you're experiencing mood swings, anxiety, depression and other negative withdrawal symptoms, exercise also helps by releasing feel-good chemicals in your brain called endorphins. Aerobics, jogging, swimming, yoga and sports are all good ways to battle withdrawal while keeping yourself busy and in shape.