What Are the Ways to Prevent Drug Addiction?
Recognize the Signs
Signs of drug abuse often appear long before any concrete evidence does. Symptoms vary by drug, but often accompany a deterioration in appearance, a loss of interest in school or work, radical changes in social life, weight loss, odd sleeping habits and an overall downturn in emotional health. If you spot them in someone close to you, talk to them about it rather than ignoring it. Apply a similarly objective eye to your own habits if you use drugs. Denial and delusion play a huge part in addiction because the user refuses to confront the extent of his problem. Ask yourself whether your drug use is negatively affecting other parts of your life.
Spot the Dangers
Respect the power of any drug you put in your body, and that includes prescription drugs. Keep in regular contact with your doctor and talk to her about any medication you might be taking. Follow the instructions for your prescription to the letter and do not deviate from them in any way. If you drink, be aware of the frequency and amount you indulge, and limit it to reasonable amounts (no more than a glass or two a day).
Communication is the No. 1 means of preventing drug abuse, especially with young people. Talk to those around you who might use drugs and establish an atmosphere of trust that fosters communication. If you have children, discuss drug use with them and let them know they can come to you with any concern. Listen when they talk, and don't dismiss their concerns about things like peer pressure. A bond of openness established before the other person reaches the age of potential drug abuse not only reduces the risk of addiction but makes him more willing to come to you if a problem does develop.