Drug Abuse & Addiction Treatment
Some examples of addictive substances or drugs are alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and heroin. Someone who is addicted to a substance is called an addict.
It has been said that alcohol is not a drug, but rather just a drink. However, alcoholic beverages are considered to be psychoactive drugs. There is also a school of thought that drug addiction is a choice, although it is documented as a disease. Just like you do not choose to have cancer, you do not choose an addiction. However, it is not a hopeless condition.
A first step to consider for the addict is detox. This treatment option can help the abuser safely get rid of the substances in their system. Detox centers can be county run or part of a larger rehabilitation center. Detox usually lasts a few days, and is essential to help keep the abuser from potential dangers of withdrawal. It is not recommended for a heavy drug user to detox on his own.
In-Patient Rehabilitation Centers
Rehabilitation centers, or rehab, are an effective treatment option. The level of care at rehab centers can vary. There are short- and long-term in-patient programs as well as out-patient programs. In the in-patient program, the drug abuser is brought to a facility where he is not allowed any type of mind-altering substance. This means no illicit drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs. The length of the stay varies from center to center. This can be an effective treatment option if the addict is willing to do the necessary work to get clean and sober.
Out-Patient Rehabilitation Centers and Transitional Living
Out-patient care is another treatment option that can be effective. Individuals go to the out-patient center and receive similar care to the in-patient facility. However, the out-patient client is still exposed to environmental factors that could affect sobriety. Classes on addiction, group support and therapy sessions and exposure to 12-step programs can be part of the treatment plan. A similar treatment option to the out-patient program is transitional living, where the addict lives in a drug-free home with other addicts who are also working to maintain their sobriety. This can be a great way for an addict to learn how to live life and hold down a job clean.
12-Step Programs
A lifelong treatment option available to all addicts that works hand-in-hand with any program is the 12-step program. A 12-step program offers meetings for the addict. It is a place where other addicts gather, offer advice and support each another to help keep each other clean and sober. A sponsor, someone with some sober time, will guide the individual to follow the "12 Steps," which are found in programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.