What Is a Drug Addiction?
There are several types of drug addiction: we will discuss cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, heroin, ecstasy and prescription drugs here.
Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine, which is a stimulant derived from the coca plant, is most commonly ingested in its powdery form through the nose or liquefied and injected into the bloodstream. This drug can also be processed into a less expensive form that can be smoked or freebased --- in this form, it is known as crack cocaine.
Marijuana, grown from the Cannabis Sativa plant, is often categorized as a hallucinogenic because of its mind altering chemical, THC. Primarily, it is smoked as a cigarette or in a pipe or bong, but it can be eaten in baked goods such as brownies as well.
Methamphetamine, better known as crystal Meth, is a powerful, highly addictive drug that can be derived from common over-the-counter medications. It can be smoked, snorted, ingested or taken intravenously.
Derived from morphine, heroin is an opiate from the poppy plant. It is an extremely addictive drug that can be snorted or smoked. However, it is frequently injected or mainlined directly into the bloodstream.
Similar to LSD, Ecstasy is one of the most popular orally ingested hallucinogenics in the club scene today. This drug, commonly known as "X" is often laced with other dangerous mind-altering substances, such as PCP.
Prescription Drugs
Legal drugs administered by licensed physicians, or prescription drugs, are the fastest growing addiction today. Stimulants, depressants, opiates --- these drugs are most likely prescribed for sleep disorders or pain, with the most desired drug being Oxycontin.