The Impact of Drug Abuse on Youth
Physical Risks
According to Drug, drug abuse can negatively affect every system of the human body.Organ function, circulatory and hormone systems, fertility, and brain chemistry, function and structure are all at risk.
Psychological Risk
With prolonged use, drugs can cause significant and permanent psychological damage; young drug abusers are at a higher risk for developing mental disorders, like depression and anxiety.
Behavioral Changes
Serious changes in behavior is a common sign of drug use in young people, including withdrawal from family, a resentful attitude, violence or aggression, risky sexual behavior, and abandoning old friendships.
Poor School Performance
Drug use has a serious impact on a child's education; typical signs include falling grades, withdrawal from regular school activities, increased absence and dropping out.
According to Teen Drug, the biggest consequence of drug abuse is addiction, which amplifies every other drug-associated consequence; young people typically don't even realize that they have crossed the line to addiction.