Reflexology Treatment for Substance Abuse
Reflexology treatments are based on the Chinese assumption that vital energy flows through the body along paths advocates refer to as meridians. The belief holds that balance in the body is maintained as long as the energy flows freely, but is lost when the flow is blocked, resulting in imbalance and related stress. The belief holds that other parts of the body can be restored, and healed from disease, through the application of pressure and massage to the hands and feet.
Fight or Flight
Devin and Barbara Kunz, international authorities in the field of reflexology, hold that a fight or flight response is triggered in times of extreme physical or emotional stress or emergency, in order to produce the adrenal state needed to enable the body to respond to a sudden crisis or emergency. While physical response was central to humans at one time in our evolutionary development, it is rarely the appropriate response today. Kunz, and some others, believe reflexology can successfully treat substance-abuse tendencies through treating the stress that is often related to them.
Reflexology Treatment
In using reflexology as a treating method for substance abuse or other problems within the body, the professionally trained reflexology expert first attempts to detect subtle points of tension within the hands and feet. Specific bodily, muscular and organ functions are stimulated and promoted through the application of acupressure and massage-type techniques to particular points on the hands and feet of the person being treated.
Reflexology has been demonstrated to have stress-reduction qualities for those treated, as well as positive benefits for the central nervous system in general, both strongly correlated to reduction in substance-abusing behavior and relapse tendencies in those recovering from substance abuse or addictive disease. Since substance abuse often begins as a reaction to stress, and as a desire to positively affect the central nervous system, reflexology may also be of benefit as an aid to the prevention of substance abuse in vulnerable individuals.
Research Needed
Additional research is required to confirm the benefits of treating substance-abuse-related problems through reflexology. At present, the treatment is considered alternative medicine and is not advocated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Based on its documented success with improving stress-related conditions and the central nervous system, it may be useful as additional treatment to traditional treatment methods for substance abuse and addiction.