How to Use Nicotrol
Talk with a doctor about which type of Nicotrol product would work best for you. Choose only one type for your smoking cessation program; do not combine different types of NRTs.
If you choose the patch, wear it during the day, putting it on when you wake up and removing it before you go to sleep. The patch is self-adhesive and can be placed on almost any unobtrusive area of the skin. Many people wear the patch on their shoulder blade.
If you use a Nicotrol inhaler, start with the recommended starting dose, which is 6 to 16 cartridges daily, depending on how many cigarettes you used to smoke. Puff on the inhaler for 20 minutes when a nicotine craving strikes. Maximum effect is usually achieved within 15 minutes, according to Pfizer. Product information for the Nicotrol inhaler states that the dose is usually maintained for 3 months and then tapered off for 3 months. The product is not recommended for more than 6 months of use.
Chew Nicotrol gum when you crave nicotine. Chew a piece until you feel a tingling sensation, then place the gum between your gums and teeth so it presses against the inside of your mouth. Leave the gum in place until the tingling sensation subsides, then chew it again and repeat. Pfizer states that a piece of Nicotrol gum should last about half an hour when used as directed.