What is Manipulation in Relation to Substance Abuse?
The American Psychiatric Association reports that regardless of what drugs they use, addicts share a number of characteristics that are both immature and antisocial. Lying and manipulation are prominent character traits found in most addicts. They readily shirk responsibilities, instead working angles to try and get their needs met. Addicts do not have the ability for self-appraisal, nor do they develop any discretionary means of support. Substance abusers typically support their habits through deception, crime and manipulation.
Family members and close friends are most susceptible to the manipulation of drug addicts because they often exhibit their own character flaws of co-dependence. Codependents need to be needed and thrive on being asked to support the addict, though they may complain about the burden. They continue to allow themselves to be manipulated and may even try to sabotage an addict's recovery to feed their own need for attention and martyrdom.
Drug Tests
Drug addicts manipulate authorities by learning how to pass drug tests for employment or law enforcement purposes. They utilize a number of different products that can eliminate trace evidence in the urine. Some of the products work in certain tests and others are ineffective. Poppy seeds and certain vitamins can sway a drug test to confuse the results. Addicts with access to outside sources get others to provide the urine sample for the test. They often drink an excessive amount of water or take diuretics to sway the results.
Drug dealers often manipulate the potency of the drugs they sell to increase the volume and make more money. The Food and Drug Administration points to the manipulation of OxyContin as a dangerous and popular drug that is manipulated on the street as well as by healthcare practitioners. By crushing the pills, users can inject or snort the powder and receive a quicker rush, as well as cut it with other substances. Heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines also are commonly manipulated to stretch the volume.
Recovery from drug addiction often begins when the manipulation is thwarted. Family members who receive help through counseling or groups such as Co-Dependents Anonymous can stop supporting the addict and even take part in an intervention, insisting the addict seek help or be cut off completely. Substance abuse counselors and medical professionals who work with addicts are familiar with the various means of manipulation used by addicts and call the person on the misguided behavior and refuse to fall prey to tricks or schemes.