Caffeine Withdrawal Remedies
Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal range from mild to relatively severe. The onset of withdrawal begins eight to ten hours following the last ingestion of caffeine, with symptoms peaking around 24 to 48 hours, and lasting up to a week. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms include, but are not limited to: lethargy, irritability, motor skill impairment, difficulty with concentration, headache, nausea, anxiety and the restlessness. Even an average caffeine user can experience symptoms of withdrawal. After all, when you need a cup of coffee (or a pot) to start the day, regardless of social dependence and normalization, is a sign of withdrawal.
Contingency Plan
Most withdrawal symptoms are counteracted within half an hour by ingestion of caffeine. Should the process of caffeine cessation prove to be too arduous, caffeine addicts can take solace in the fact that relief is only a strong cup of coffee and thirty minutes away. If nothing else, the process of trying to quit will illuminate the truth about your addiction and help you to gain powerful insight to keep in mind for your next attempt at quitting.
Hebal Remedies
The Internet is awash with herbal remedies for all manner of afflictions. Caffeine addiction is no exception. There are no official herbal remedies that have proved to actually work every time when dealing with the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.
Some of the most frequently reported symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are headaches. Caffeine headaches are unlike regular ones and are usually comparable to migraines, in terms of the level of pain. These can be managed by any number of over the counter pain relief substances; both Naproxen and Ibuprofen are excellent choices. Be careful, however, to carefully read the ingredients of any medicine you choose, as many of them contain caffeine.
There is no easy remedy for irritability brought on by caffeine withdrawal. Rather than a purely physical symptom, irritability is a psychological reaction. It is frustration at the intensity of other symptoms, as well as an indicator of one's level of psychological dependence upon the drug caffeine. It is wise to simply inform those around you within your familial and social circles that you are experiencing caffeine withdrawal and ask for their patience. With extreme levels of irritability, it may be prudent to limit interpersonal interaction as much as possible for the duration of your withdrawal.
Difficulty Concentrating
Removing any substance from the body where there is a protracted history of tolerance and dependence is going to result in an initial impairment in functioning. The body of the caffeine addict has become accustomed to operating with a certain (and most likely high) level of caffeine flowing through it. A transition to a life not based on stimulants is going to involve some adjustment. Not the least of which is a marked inability to concentrate while your body adjusts. Give yourself plenty of breaks during this process. It will be difficult to focus initially, and taking breaks will facilitate your body's transition. Be sure to get plenty of sleep, as well. For most addicts, sleeping without caffeine is easier than ever. Being well rested gives your body additional time to adjust and will allow you to better process to a decaffeinated lifestyle.
After you have successfully withdrawn from caffeine, be diligent in your conviction. Caffeine is a more common ingredient than many people would initially assume. Watch out for chocolates, ice creams and hot cocoas. Caffeine lurks, in various concentrations, in many of the the foods and drinks we eat regularly.