Treatment Available for Alcoholics

There are many kinds of treatment available for alcoholics. Before any treatment will be effective, the alcoholic has to be ready to get help. A large number of alcoholics spend years denying that they have a problem with alcohol. Alcoholism is a powerful illness, and recovery often takes lifelong commitment. Alcoholism is a disease with both physical and psychological aspects, and a treatment plan has to take this into account. Treatments available for alcoholics include medication, counseling and support groups.
  1. The Facts

    • Alcoholism is a dangerous disease that is often fatal. An alcoholic is both physically and psychologically addicted to the drug alcohol, and untreated alcoholism can lead to many complications. Drinking alcohol impairs coordination and judgment, so it's no surprise that almost half of all fatal car crashes are alcohol-related.


    • The long term consequences of untreated alcoholism can be serious. Heavy drinking for several years can lead to cancer of the throat, liver or esophagus. Many crimes, including homicide and child abuse, are committed while the perpetrator is under the influence of alcohol. A heavy drinking binge can end in a coma or even death.


    • Many alcoholics enter treatment denying that they have a problem with alcohol. They may be forced into treatment by a court order, or concerned family members may participate in an intervention. If you have lost control of your drinking, you are dependent on the drug alcohol, and abstinence is the only solution.

    Treatment Facilities

    • Residential treatment facilities begin treatment with a program of detoxification. Medications may be prescribed to ease the symptoms of withdrawal. Once the physical symptoms of withdrawal have been brought under control, individual and group counseling sessions begin.


    • Medications may be prescribed to ease the symptoms of alcoholism withdrawal. Disulfiram (antabuse) is an alcohol sensitizing drug. If you drink alcohol while taking this medication, you will have a severe physical reaction including nausea, vomiting and headache. Acamprosate (Campral) is a medicine that sometimes helps combat alcohol cravings.

    Support Groups

    • Support groups are among the most successful treatment options available for alcoholics. They help alcoholics in recovery to abstain from drinking, manage relapses and adopt a sober lifestyle. The most widely known support group is Alcoholics Anonymous. Founded in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous is based on a twelve step recovery program that has brought recovery to millions of alcoholics all over the world.

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