Help to Stop Taking Drugs
Things You'll Need
- Professional help
- Change in social environment
- Follow up
- Busy schedule
Make the decision to quit doing drugs. The hardest yet most essential step is to make the decision on your own. Drug users never truly quit until they make a firm decision. Once you have realized that you will be better off without drugs in your life, support your decision by letting everyone know of the change your will be making. Tell family, friends and most important the people you associate with while doing drugs. Be ready for the support some will offer as well as the bad attitude some will surely give. Stay strong in your decision after talking with everyone.
Get professional help. The chances of someone successfully quitting drugs without rehab or some sort of help is nearly nil. You may want to consider checking yourself into a drub rehabilitation clinic. To find more information about a clinic near you, call the Drug Rehab Hotline at (877) 801- 5475. In addition, you can attend a local 12-step program where you will attend meetings once a week with others going through the same life change as you. Often drug counselors can be helpful. They offer you one-on-one time with somebody who can help create changes in your life that will help you to achieve your goal.
Change your social environment. Almost every drug user associates with a group of friends that also do drugs. These may be the only friends that you have. As hard as it may be, you need to realize how hazardous it is to your decision to quit to continual to hang around people that do drugs. Never expect yourself as a drug user to be strong enough to be in the presence of drugs. If they are real friends they will understand and support your decision, if they aren't then unfortunately new friends may be in order.
Create a follow-up system. It is important to stay on path even after you completed rehab or counseling. Once you are drug user, the ability to use again is always in your system. Your will to stop doing drugs has to have a stronger hold on you than drugs do. Many times rehabilitation centers offer sober living environments after you successfully go through rehab. Sober living homes are basically a normal living environment with roommates except with a few more restrictions. You can live your life normally but you and the people living with your create a check system for each other. If sober living doesn't interest you, you can create a check system with somebody you trust. Let them help you create rules and boundaries. Allow them to question you and demand that you abide by the rules you both set.
Monitor your time. Keeping busy with little down time to falter will greatly increase your chances of staying sober. Work a steady job and maybe even join a few activities you enjoy. Do things that make you happy that don't disturb your sober living. Keep the change in your life real and make no excuses for yourself.