What is the First Step in Alcohol Treatment?
The first step in the treatment of alcoholism is recognizing the condition. Alcoholics can try to fool family members, coworkers and themselves that a problem doesn't exist. They can hide the drinking from others as well as themselves. That's why it's important for alcoholics to recognize they are alcoholics and have a disease. Before they can seek treatment for the disease, they must recognize that they have it.
The significance of an alcoholic recognizing the alcoholism and acknowledging that the disease exists is profound. It can set the alcoholic on a road to recovery. Unless the first step of recognition is taken, the treatment and recovery will not happen.
Time Frame
The sooner alcoholics take the first step in treatment, the better. Alcoholism causes many physical problems, such as cirrhosis of the liver and heart disease, and so an early diagnosis is important for health reasons. An alcoholic who takes the first step early can also prevent family problems such as divorce. But it's also important to note that an alcoholic should never feel like it's too late to take the first step.
Some people, especially family members, believe that all an alcoholic needs to do is recognize that a problem exists in order to overcome the problem. While it's vital that the first step be taken in order for treatment to be successful, alcoholics face a lifetime of struggle with the disease. There will always be the urge to drink. Taking the first step is essential, but it by no means guarantees successful treatment.
Some alcoholics, when confronted by family members, might play along by saying the words but not having the belief. Though it's never easy to say the words for alcoholics that they are indeed alcoholics, they could say the words if, for example, a spouse threatens divorce if the words are not spoken. It's important to follow up any admission of alcoholism with treatment.