How To Receive Treatment for Alcohol Abuse
Contact a local Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration facility. To find a local facility, click the "SAMHSA" link in the Resources section below. Then, click on your state. Type in the name of your city in the "City" text box found on the next page. Once you do, you will be given a list of different facilities. Call the facility of your choice to register for alcohol abuse treatment from that facility.
Search for local Alcoholics Anonymous meetings using the website listed in the Resources section. Type in the name of your state or your zip code in the "Search" text box. Once you do, a list of local A.A. organizations will appear beneath the map on the screen. The contact information for each organization will also appear. Call the group or organization of your choice to begin receiving treatment for alcohol abuse.
Call the Jude Thaddeus Program (see Resources below), also known as the Saint Jude Retreat House. This program is an inpatient alcohol abuse treatment center intended for individuals with serious drug and alcohol addictions. There are three different treatment houses available and three different programs to help addicts of all ages and backgrounds. To learn more, call (888) 424-2626.
Receive treatment for alcohol abuse from a local psychologist. This type of therapy can pinpoint possible reasons or factors that brought on your alcohol abuse. A psychologist can also work with a separate alcohol abuse program (such as A.A.) to ensure that you get and remain sober. Your psychologist may even recommend medication to help you deal with your alcohol abuse. Call (800) 964-2000 to get a referral for an alcohol abuse psychologist in your area.