Medication Used for Detoxing
Suboxone is a common detox drug used to help those addicted to most opiates, including Vicodin, Lortab, Percocet, Oxycontin, Methadone, Codeine and Heroin. The active ingredients of Suboxone are Buprenorphine and Naloxone. Both of these ingredients are regulated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and as such must be prescribed by a physician who meets the specific requirements laid out by DATA. Patients are given Suboxone until a comfortable dosage has been reached. The physician then works with the patient to slowly lower the dosage until he is no longer dependent on the medication.
Naltrexone is an Food and Drug Administration-approved medication that works as an opiate-antagonist. This means that the drug blocks the high feeling that is experienced when using opiates or alcohol. Without the desired effects, the body slowly reduces its cravings for the substance, which can help the patient detox from the drug. Naltrexone is used in the treatment of both opiate and alcohol abuse.
Vivitrol is one of the newest detox drugs on the market. It was approved by the FDA in 2006. Vivitrol is an injectable form of Naltrexone. Those in out-patient treatment that would normally have a hard time remembering to take the pill form of the medication can get a single monthly shot that helps reduce cravings all month long.
Buprenophex is often used in conjunction with another medication such as Naltrexone to help with withdrawal symptoms. Buprenophex is an anticonvulsant. Convulsions can be a common problem associated with withdrawal, which is why many detox centers choose to use Buprenophex to compliment other prescriptions.
Klonepin can be used as a medication for detoxing to help relieve withdrawal symptoms. However, since Klonepin (also known as Clonazepam) is a benzodiazepine, there is an increased risk of addiction to the Klonepin if it's used for too long.