Signs of Mental Deterioration in Alcoholics
The alcoholic cannot control his drinking. After the first drink, he quickly declines into a state of insufficiency. So he wants another, and another, and another. Eventually the habit consumes the alcoholic and takes over his mind. Often he drinks himself into a stupor.
Dangerous Situations
The alcoholic experiencing mental deterioration has no clue what safety means. His judgment is severely off-kilter, but he still attempts to drive, often resulting in deadly car accidents. He also has a tendency to walk in unsafe neighborhoods, uncaring of the danger.
Mood Swings
As the mind deteriorates, severe mood swings are bound to occur. In an alcoholic, they occur often, with outward signs of agitation, increased irritability and anger. The slightest thing sets him off. His mind is unbalanced, and he has a harder time controlling it than non-alcoholics. He is often apt to physical violence at this stage.
The alcoholic doesn't want to go anywhere where he can't get a drink. His mind is narrow and uncompromising. Forcing him to visit a non-alcoholic function incites his anger. The alcoholic will often spend time alone and become withdrawn.
The alcoholic has a job he no longer goes to. He doesn't bother to call in to say he will be absent. He has no sense of commitment anymore because his drive is sapped by liquor. His attitude is careless. Any positive regard he had for himself is gone and he will often see himself as worthless.
In addition to all these problems the alcoholic faces, there are numerous sleep issues as well. If the drinker suffers from mental deterioration, he either sleeps too much or he doesn't get any at all. Alcohol is a muscle relaxer, making the body lethargic. The alcoholic in this mode tends to oversleep. If not, he is an insomniac. Constantly riddled by anxiety, he stays awake all night.
Alcoholics are urged to seek professional help to assist with their problem. The effects of mental deterioration on an alcoholic are brutal and can be life-threatening. The federally-owned SAMHSA ( provides treatment centers for alcoholics.