Describe DSM IV Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse
Effects on School/Work Performance
Performing poorly at school or work that is directly related to the recent ingestion of alcohol is a symptom of alcohol abuse. This may be in the form of showing up to work intoxicated or hungover with the quality of work being negatively affected. Failing to follow through with responsibilities at work, school or home due to ongoing alcohol use is listed as criteria from the DSM-IV manual.
Using Alcohol in Risky Situations
Repeatedly operating machinery or driving under the influence of alcohol is another symptom of abuse. A person who recurrently risks the safety of themselves or others by driving drunk is showing signs of alcohol abuse according to the DSM-IV manual.
Legal Problems
Being arrested for illegal activities due to the chronic and persistent use of alcohol is also a symptom of abuse. This can be in the form of drunk driving, disorderly conduct or domestic disputes.
Use Despite Negative Consequences
Using alcohol persistently and continuously despite the maladaptive effects including performance issues, legal problems or interpersonal problems is a symptom of alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse is identified if the maladaptive behavior continues over a course of 12 months despite the experiences of negative consequences according to the DSM-IV manual.
Alcohol Abuse vs Alcohol Dependence
The DSM-IV manual differentiates between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. Alcohol abuse is a precursor to dependence which is identified after a clear pattern of abuse has been established. The symptoms listed above are necessary for the diagnosis of alcohol abuse. Alcohol dependence occurs when physiological effects such as increased tolerance and withdrawal after heavy injestion of alcohol occurs. Additionally, compulsive behavior to continue using alcohol is typically present for the diagnosis of alcohol dependence.