Types of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs for Teens
In all cases of substance abuse, including teens, the frontline approach is a safe medical detoxification program. Professionals are able to make the teen comfortable while she detoxes while also monitoring her health. Depending on the substance(s) abused, detox usually lasts no longer than 5 days.
Outpatient Treatment
After a careful assessment of the teen, it can be determined if he is best suited for outpatient or inpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment will consist of a multidimensional approach of cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, positive reinforcement and the twelve-step program.
Inpatient Treatment
Inpatient treatment for substance abuse is for those who have a serious addiction to drugs or alcohol. The normal stay for a program such as this is about 12 months. They are very extensive programs that teach abstinence, behavior modification and coping skills.
Often, a combination of medication and behavioral therapy work fine for the teen. This combination is effective in changing attitudes as well as behaviors. The medication will take away any cravings the teen might have for the drug while he learns to live a drug-free lifestyle.
Regardless of the treatment option you decide on, addiction counseling and/or behavioral therapy will be integrated into it. During counseling and therapy sessions, teens are taught how to resist peer pressure and how to replace drug using with other more fulfilling activities.
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