Facts About Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism
Alcoholism is defined by the inability to stop or reduce drinking; having a compulsion to drink; having a high tolerance to the effects of alcohol; and dependence such as suffering from withdrawal once drinking is stopped.
Family Influence
Alcohol abuse can be genetic in people who have an alcoholic in the immediate family, or over several generations, and are at risk of becoming an abuser.
Starting Young
Young people who start drinking before age 15 are more likely to become alcoholics as adults.
Peer Pressure
Environment plays a role in alcohol abuse, including peer pressure, the ease of purchasing alcohol, consumption among family and friends, and home life.
An estimated 1,400 Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 die annually from alcohol-related accidents, including drunken driving.
Number Increases
The United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics reported that alcohol-related deaths rose from 4,144 in 1991 to 8,386 deaths for 2005.