What Will Show Up on a Hair Follicle Drug Test?

A hair follicle drug test takes a small hair sample for testing. The results of the test will determine any drugs that have been in the body for the past 90 days. The bloodstream inserts trace amounts of these drugs into the follicle of the hair after the drug has been processed.
  1. Cocaine

    • The use of cocaine will show up as positive in a hair follicle drug test. If only a small amount was taken or it was quite a while ago, then it will likely show as trace amounts.


    • Marijuana will show up in a hair sample drug test. Marijuana can stay in the system for up to 30 and the hair sample can trace drugs that have been used within the past 90 days.


    • The opiate family includes codeine, morphine and heroin. Vicodin and Oxycontins are part of the same family but are prescribed so if you test positive you may have to show proof of your prescription.

    Other Drug Classes

    • The use of methamphetamines, amphetamines and ecstasy will all show up in a hair follicle drug test.


    • Phencyclidine, more commonly known as PCP, will also render a positive result on these tests.


    • The beauty of these tests is that they also have the ability to show the pattern of use. So, if one used one of these substances a long time before the test then it would be present in the bottom of the hair, if the hair is long enough.

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