Teenage Alcohol Abuse
Side Effects
Alcohol can cause teenagers to have difficulty paying attention. It can lead to the use of other drugs, including ecstasy, marijuana, heroin or cocaine.
Emotional Effects
Teenage alcohol abuse can be a sign of emotional problems, such as depression or anxiety. Teens who start drinking early are more likely to develop a problem with alcohol later in life.
Thousands of teenagers die every year in alcohol-related car crashes. In addition, teens who drink are more likely to engage in sexual activity or to have sex with a stranger. A large percentage of girls who drink heavily also attempt suicide.
Parents who talk to their kids clearly about the negative effects of alcohol play a key role in reducing their use. Studies show alcohol is most likely used in the 3 hours right after school, so parents who supervise their children during that time have a high success rate of promoting good behavior.
You can detect teenage alcohol abuse by looking for certain signs. Teens may have bloodshot or glazed-over eyes, the smell of alcohol on their breath and skin or have deteriorating hygiene or appearance. They may have a change in attitude.