How to Get Help With a Drug Addiction

Drug addiction can be treated. There is help available, even for the addict who feels all hope is gone or for family members who are at a loss when dealing with the addict. Once the person addicted to drugs is convinced that treatment is the only option, recovery can begin. The family, friends or caregivers have to realize that the outcome of treatment will be entirely up to the addict. Resources for drug treatment are easy to find.


  1. Admit There Is a Problem

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      The first step in getting help for drug addiction is admitting that there is a problem. If the addict doesn't truly want to stop, treatment may be a waste of time and money.

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      A plan needs to be in place for an intervention if the family decides to help the addict. Once he or she feels that it's time to get help, speaking to a professional counselor will be necessary to decide on the next step.

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      Either the addict or family members can call their local mental health agency. The National Institute on Drug Abuse ( can be accessed online and even offers free clinical trials.

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      Therapists agree that inpatient treatment is the most effective route to sobriety. Addicts often need to go through detox in a safe, controlled environment.

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      Once in treatment, the addict will find people who can relate. After-care groups such as Narcotics Anonymous are important in helping the addict stay clean.

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