How to Find a Clinic for Methadone Treatment
Check out websites specifically dedicated to listing methadone treatment clinics. See the Resources below for just a few of the sites dedicated entirely to listing the clinics. Once there, find your state and nearest city for listings of clinics near you.
Call a local branch of Narcotics Anonymous. If you can't find a methadone clinic, search for a nearby Narcotics Anonymous meeting. The attendees at the meeting can give you a good sense of what options are in your area, as well as any personal experiences they may have had with the specific clinic. See the Resources below to locate a Narcotics Anonymous meeting near you.
Check your phone book. While seemingly obvious, the phone book often gets overlooked in favor of the Internet. Check under the "drug treatment" section of the yellow pages.
Talk to a doctor or clinic. If insurance is an issue, most cities offer free health clinic hours during which you can speak to a doctor. These doctors deal with all kinds of general health issues, including addiction, and will likely be able to help you find a methadone treatment clinic in your area.