Physical Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Unfortunately, there comes a point in time when some people can no longer handle an occasional drink. While these people might not be quite ready to admit that a problem exists, there are physical symptoms that will become evident with alcohol abuse.
  1. First Sign

    • The first physical sign of alcohol abuse is when drinking has crossed over the line from social drinking to it becoming a priority. This is when the person might start only engaging in activities that include drinking.

    Physical Signs and Symptoms

    • People may begin to complain about numbness in the hands or feet, or have numerous occasions when they have a stomach ache or an upset stomach.

    Other Physical Signs

    • You may start to notice that the person has developed a redness on the face or the cheek areas, a noticeable weight loss, blackouts, or drinking to the point of unsteadiness and slurred speech.

    Risky Behaviors

    • Engaging in risky behaviors such as in drinking and driving, spending household money on drinking and lying are all signs of alcohol abuse that can often cause problems with jobs, family and friends.

    Tolerance and Withdrawal

    • Withdrawal signs might become evident when drinking is stopped. A tolerance might also develop, resulting in it taking more and more alcohol to reach the desired effect.

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