Is Marijuana an Addictive Substance?
Ten to 14 percent of marijuana users become dependent on this substance.There are an estimated 120,000 people who seek treatment for addiction to marijuana every year, and the numbers seem to be growing.
The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta 9 tetrhydrocannabinol), which may cause physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana, when smoked or eaten, causes a state of sedation, though side effects may vary according to the user.
Heavy users may need to use up to as much as eight times the original amount to get the same state of intoxication.
Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include irritability, insomnia, restlessness, nausea and intense dreams. The symptoms of addiction involve time and energy spent on securing the next stash, missing normal daily activities, changing social circles to one that is more accepting of this habit, and feeling that the user needs marijuana to be happy.
Even though programs for those addicted to marijuana were hard to find in 2004, new awareness has led to increased funding and availability of these programs. However, there is no medicine to counter the addiction and withdrawal symptoms, and programs today rely mainly on counseling and group support.