Stages of Alcohol Addiction
Most experts agree that alcoholism is a chronic condition and should be addressed as such. An alcoholic has to battle this condition for the rest of his life just as a person with diabetes would.-
Considerations of Alcohol Addiction
Some people are able to drink for a number of years before they slip into a pattern of addiction. Other people develop a problem after a few times drinking. There are many factors that have to be considered. Heredity is one of them.
First Stage of Alcoholism
A drinker finds that alcohol allows her to self medicate. Alcohol releases inhibitions and reduces anxiety. Sometimes, an alcoholic will participate only in events that allow the use of alcohol and will withdraw from those that do not.
Second Stage of Alcoholism
The addiction pattern is becoming more obvious at this point. The alcoholic is now drinking more often and lacks the ability to control his drinking. Hangovers, blackouts and problems with the stomach are usually present by this time. The alcoholic is in deep denial. This is also the time when relationships and jobs begin to suffer.
Final Stage of Alcoholism
The addiction has taken over and is a priority above everything else including family, friends, her job and even her moral character. The alcoholic is usually in financial crisis and her health is significantly deteriorating.
Consequences of Alcoholism
At this point, the alcoholic needs to seek treatment or face numerous health issues. For families and friends, this may be a good time for an intervention of some type to promote recovery.