Effects of Drug Abuse on the Brain
Depression is a symptom of withdrawal from drugs such as prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall) and can increase attempts at suicide.
Abuse of drugs such as methamphetamines can cause disturbing hallucinations that can last for years after stopping using the drug.
Memory Loss
Memory loss and permanent brain damage are common side effects of using inhalants, which are toxic to your brain.
Irrational Behavior
Drugs that stimulate the brain, such as amphetamines, can cause you to feel euphoric and immortal, which can result in irrational behavior and poor decisions.
Impulsive Behavior
Drugs such as Ecstasy can cause a tendency to act on impulse rather than thinking things through.
Using cocaine even once can cause seizures and brain damage, which can be made worse by consuming alcohol at the same time.
Stimulants such as methamphetamine can cause you to develop dangerously high blood pressure, which can cause a life-threatening stroke.