How to Write an Alcohol Treatment Plan
Write down plans for intervention. Schedule a date. Record who will be present. Determine how to arrange the presence of the alcoholic and the important points that are to be addressed during the intervention.
Include information regarding detoxification. Note the contact information and policies of nearby treatment centers as well as an overview of their programs. Cover how the centers proceed with detoxing.
Record information regarding in-patient rehabilitation facilities. Include a physician referral note. Detail what is involved in differing facilities and make a recommendation as to which is most appropriate for the particular individual.
Attach materials regarding "half-way" houses and similar places for once in-patient treatment has been completed. Provide information regarding the location, rules and other important details. It is profitable for many to have a partial independent stage during their early recovery.
Jot down names and telephone numbers of alcoholism counselors. Even when an alcoholic is no longer an in-patient, she will still need counseling services as she continues on her recovery journey.
Work in details of alcoholic anonymous program or other recovering alcoholic support meetings. Take the individual's preference into consideration. For example, members of certain religions may prefer support programs that are directly tied into their faith.
Provide a section in the treatment plan concerning the family and friends of the alcoholic. Detail how they will aid in the individual's recovery. Also, include information on individuals with whom the alcoholic should avoid interacting with such as heavy drinkers.
Note what monitoring will be done regarding the person's progress. Decide how often and at what stages checkups will be made and in what manner.