Physical Effects of Drug Abuse
Appearance Changes
One noticeable physical effect of drug abuse is changes in physical appearance. The addict might experience a drastic change in his weight over a short period of time, either gaining or losing a substantial amount of weight depending upon the drug of choice. Personal hygiene is also affected, including body odor, greasy hair and complete disarray. The outward appearance of the abuser can change drastically over time as the body craves an increasing amount of the drug.
Periodontal Disease
Gum disease can be a mild or major physical effect of drug abuse. Initially, the gums are reddened and bleed more frequently. As the drug abuser sinks into his addiction, irresponsible care of the mouth can cause more severe problems, including tooth loss. Infections in the mouth can lead to death if not properly treated.
Upper Respiratory Infections
The drug addict will show physical effects on the respiratory system. For drugs that are inhaled, immediate physical effects could include nosebleeds, deep chest coughs and inflammation throughout the respiratory system. With severe drug addiction, respiratory complications, such as lung failure, can occur and even lead to death. Because the body is so resilient, the addict can recover from the effects with treatment and time.
Skin Disorders
The appearance of the drug addict's skin changes when substances are in his system. The skin will appear red with noticeably larger pores around the nose. Because heart rate and blood pressure are increased, veins and arteries are affected and can produce a blotchy appearance. Sweat and oil glands can overproduce, causing the drug addict to be more prone to outbreaks and acne.
Cognitive Impairment
Cognitive impairment is a physical effect of drug abuse. Drugs that enter the body affect neurological activity in the brain and cause dopamine levels to be altered. The drug abuse can affect the addict's memory, attention, and reasoning abilities, such as time gaps and event confusion. Cognitive impairment in the drug abuser becomes more debilitating with increased years of use. Fortunately, a recovering addict can, in most cases, improve and possibly reverse these effects after a year of sobriety.