Prescription Drug Abuse Symptoms
Lingering Injury or Illness
A person with a prescription drug abuse problem might claim falsely that he is having trouble healing from the injury or illness to continue having access to the prescription drug.
Seeing Several Doctors
To continue having access to the medication, the prescription drug abuser might visit several doctors in several practices (particularly urgent cares) to obtain more prescriptions for the drug.
Ill Temper
As the prescription drug abuser runs out of the prescription drug and craves more, she might become ill-tempered. She might react irrationally toward normal situations in her life.
Stealing Other Medications
Without access to more of the prescription drug, the drug abuser might begin stealing the prescription or over the counter drugs equivalent belonging to family and friends.
Drinking Alcohol
Depending upon the type of prescription drug being abused, the drug abuser might drink more alcohol to counteract the effects of the prescription drug (see Resources below).
Sleeping Changes
Some prescription drugs might make the drug abuser sleepy while others inhibit the ability to sleep. A change in sleep patterns such as sleeping too much or not enough is a symptom of prescription drug abuse.