Warning Signs of Prescription Drug Addiction
Medications Disappearing
In the beginning, prescription drug addiction can become apparent by medications disappearing from the cabinet. Medications that do not belong to the addict are at risk as well as over-the-counter drugs.
Multiple Doctor Appointments
As the accessible supply decreases, the prescription drug addict requires multiple doctors to continue receiving new prescriptions. A warning sign might be an increase in doctor appointments over a short period of time.
Disrupted Sleep Patterns
Disrupted sleep patterns is a big warning sign of prescription drug addiction because the medicines typically involve some type of sleep agent. The prescription medications cause extreme sleep cycles, such as sleeping too much or not enough.
Increased Alcohol Consumption
Depending upon the prescription drug of choice, alcohol consumption can be a warning sign. The addict might drink more alcohol to maintain normal sleep cycles as well as to bring himself "down" from a "high."
Normal situations cause abnormal amounts of irritability responses within the addict. Irritability can also be attributed to the need to find her next fix.