Affordable Teen Drug Treatments
Since most teen drug treatment programs require family participation, consider the travel expenses involved in the requisite family visits. After an initial inpatient period, teens are slowly reintroduced back into the home environment. This typically involves weekend trips home, which adds travel expenses. If possible, find a facility that is within an easy drive to reduce the overall costs of the treatment.
Most inpatient drug treatment programs accept insurance. Check with the family policy to find out the level and duration of coverage provided. Find out which services are covered by the policy. Ask the facility about scholarship programs to pay for non-covered items and co-payments. Medicaid and private insurance carriers require treatment facilities to have both state and federal accreditation. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations provides the national certificate that is recognized by insurance carriers.
The length of stay needed by troubled teens varies. Addicted teens stay at inpatient drug treatment programs for anywhere from one month to one year or more. The duration of the stay depends on the needs of the teen as well as the ability of the parents to pay for the treatment. While resources may dictate a shorter stay for the youth, the effectiveness of the treatment may not be worth the investment. Look for short-term programs that offer intense outpatient follow-up. Treatment centers such as Spencer Recovery Centers offer both short-term inpatient and outpatient programs.
Dual Diagnosis
Addicted teens who have been diagnosed with an additional mental disorder require more structured care. Look for a treatment facility that offers services for dual-diagnosis treatment. Dual diagnosis treatment facilities provide a higher level of medical care from physicians and trained healthcare providers. Assessment services that specialize in dual-diagnosis such as those offered by outreach services can help parents narrow the search for an appropriate and affordable treatment option.
Consider other behavioral issues exhibited by the teen when looking at treatment centers. Teens who abuse drugs often display anti-social and rebellious attitudes that must be dealt with in addition to the addiction. Look for boot camps or wilderness programs that can help the teen with the other issues that may hinder long-term recovery to get your money's worth from the program. While these programs can run anywhere from $5,000 to $13,000 a month, parents should consider the entire treatment plan, costs of additional counseling for behavioral issues and the success rate of the program.