About Drug Rehabilitation Centers for Teens
In the area of drug rehabilitation, teenagers present an important challenge because, unlike adults, their bodies and brains have not fully developed. Teenagers are also exposed to different outside pressures and circumstances that require special attention. Finding the right drug rehab center for a teenager is not always easy, but it is a vital step toward helping a teen who struggles with addiction.
Some centers serving teens are traditional rehab facilities, whereas others take place in the wilderness or in camp settings. Almost all drug rehab programs require a supervised detoxification process known as "detox". Once past the point of detox, the program will focus on modifying the teen's behavior and laying a foundation for healthier habits and lifestyle choices. Most teen rehab centers utilize either a 12-step program or a harm-reduction program. Outpatient treatment programs are also available, but due to the high percentage of relapse cases, they are not recommended.
There are several factors to consider when deciding which drug rehabilitation center is best for a teen. All of the substances being used and the duration of the addiction must be known. A psychological evaluation should also be done to determine if the teenager has problems other than drug addiction. This can determine the kind of behavior modification program that would work best for a particular teen.
Drug rehab centers can provide immediate safe environments for teenagers who have put themselves in dangerous situations and damaged their health. A center will not only focus on the physical drug addiction, but the psychological addiction as well. A teenager in a rehab facility will be exposed to people in similar situations. This helps teens realize that they are not alone in their struggles. Teenagers in drug rehab centers can form support systems with their peers and develop positive coping skills for their day-to-day lives.
A teen drug addict's recovery does not end after leaving treatment. The commonly known time period for a drug rehabilitation program stay is 28 days, but people are often encouraged to stay longer. Relapse after leaving a program is a possibility. Completing a program will have immediate positive effects, but it is the responsibility of the teenagers themselves to carry what they have learned inside the center over to their everyday lives. This will mean making major changes to one's home and school life. Outpatient counseling and regular attendance at meetings is highly encouraged.
It is a widely held belief that addicted teens will not seek help or will be resilient to treatment until they have bottomed out. According to an Australian study of heroin addicts and other statistics, this belief is false. In fact, many doctors and directors of rehabilitation centers for teens have found that the earlier a drug addiction is treated, the greater the chances for recovery.