About Hair Follicle Drug Tests
Although special anti-drug detection shampoos are on the market that claim to wash away all evidence of drug use from the hair, these preparations are useless. Bleach won't work to wash away the drug evidence in your hair follicles and neither will any other type of so-called "flushing" method.
Hair follicle drug test kits (see Resources), are accurate testing kits that you send away with the hair samples for scientific drug testing. A full spectrum of the drugs taken by the suspected drug user is revealed by this testing.
Hair follicle drug testing reveals what has been ingested. Whether it's marijuana, methamphetamine, opiates, cocaine, Phencyclidine (PCP), or ecstasy you have solid evidence of drug use before confronting the suspect.
Once you receive your hair follicle drug testing kit, collect a hair sample and place it in the envelope provided and send off for testing. The entire process is discreet and private. When the results are returned you will have an accurate account of all the drugs that have been used as even the smallest traces show up in the results.
As drugs circulate in the bloodstream hair follicles are nourished by this tainted blood resulting in residual traces of any drug that has been used within the past 90 days to show up on the hair follicle test. Minute traces of metabolites become trapped in the center of the hair's core and it is not possible to rid this evidence by any means.