Results of Drug Addiction
Emotional Ramifications
Emotional ramifications for the addict can be immense. Drug addiction destroys self-esteem and confidence. This leads to insecurity that permeates all aspects of the addict's life. The addict's facade to society often shows a self-confident and reassured individual, but on the inside, an addict is usually battling depression and worthlessness. The further the addict sinks into his addiction, the more he experiences pronounced emotional highs and lows that progress into self-hatred.
Family Dissolution
The results of drug addiction are detrimental and long lasting to all family members. Although the addict has his own problems to resolve, the addiction creates codependency in the spouse and the children. A spouse often tries to deny that there is an addiction and seeks to control the addict's actions. The children assume roles that are not natural because of the dysfunction in the family. Lack of trust can create a barrier that becomes an impasse for the continuation of the family unit.
Financial Despair
Addiction creates financial problems, typically over a period of time. Depending upon the drug of choice, the financial ramifications can be radical and overwhelming, particularly with addictions to drugs such as cocaine. Savings and stocks slowly disappear followed by any other disposable income or liquid assets. Eventually, bills go unpaid, and the everyday expenses become stressful. Job loss often becomes inevitable as the addict can no longer hide the symptoms and signs of the addiction.
Health Decline
As an addict sinks further into his addiction, health issues become more pronounced. Because of his disrupted sleep cycle, the addict often develops a weaker immune system, resulting in respiratory viruses. Lack of oral hygiene leads to issues such as tooth decay, gum disease and periodontal disease. Cleanliness and grooming seem to be unimportant to the drug addict and very noticeable to those surrounding him. Eventually, drug addiction can lead to the shutdown of vital organs and possibly death.
Drug addiction leads to a life of lies and coverups. The addict is always trying to convince loved ones that the addiction does not exist, and he creates a self-centered world. As family and friends disapprove of the drug addiction, the addict's world becomes a world of one, the only friend being her drug of choice. Even when the addict wants to come clean, she has usually burned all the bridges that once existed.