Prescription Drug Abuse Solutions
The Problem
A childproof container with a doctors' name printed on the label breeds a misconception in some people that prescription drugs are safe, but unless they're coupled with your doctors' approval they're anything but.
In fact many of the drugs that come in childproof containers have every bit the risk of addiction as heroin or crystal meth.
Signs of Addiction
Anytime someone takes a drug that wasn't prescribed to him it's a sign of bad judgment, but if that drug also happens to be the kind that gets him high it's also a sign that he might have a problem with addiction. Other signs include sudden changes in mood or behavior, needing to take the drug to function or feel normal and taking more than the prescribed amount.
Types of Drugs That Are Abused
Prescription drugs that can lead to addiction come in three different types, but all three share one thing in common--taking each results in a feeling of euphoria. Opioids or pain pills, depressants and stimulants are the three broad categories that medical professionals use to describe addictive prescription medications. Common opiods are oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin) and meperidine (Demerol).
Common depressants are pentobarbital sodium (Nembutal), diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanex)
Common stimulants are methylphenidate (Ritalin) and amphetamine/dextoamphetamine (Adderall).
Doctors take great care in prescribing drugs at certain dosage because they want to reduce the risk of patients developing health problems and addictions. The person who takes more than the prescribed dose or takes pills that weren't prescribed for her risks possible job loss, a damaged personal life and ruined internal organs.
The first and best solution to avoiding problems associated with prescription drug abuse is to take nothing that wasn't prescribed to you and follow the instructions on the label when you do have a prescription. If, however, you suspect that you or a loved on has a problem all is not lost. For better or worse, there are millions of people who rid themselves of addiction. The help that is available comes in two basic types: behavioral and pharmaceutical. Behavioral treatment teaches people how to cope without using drugs, typically by undergoing drug rehabilitation and/or joining Narcotics Anonymous. Pharmaceutical treatments such as methadone given to people with heroin addiction, can help by giving people certain drugs to help them overcome withdrawal symptoms and fight cravings.
For most people behavioral treatment is the best means of getting their addictions to prescriptions drugs under control. The treatment can be inpatient or outpatient, and can last anywhere from 30 to 90 days. However. If someone develops an addiction it is a burden he will have to carry for the rest of his life, and it will take a lot of strength and support to keep under control.