About Outpatient Heroin Detox
Outpatient heroin detox programs differ from other programs in that the participants are not required to stay in residence. Many detox programs do require that participants agree to an inpatient program in which they are under constant supervision and aren't subjected to as much temptation. The only real defining characteristic of an outpatient program is that it allows the participants additional freedom and the ability to stay at home, and to work, while trying to rid themselves of their need for heroin.
There are many types of outpatient heroin detox programs. The price, flexibility, efficacy and exact structure of such programs varies from case to case. Most programs involve frequent meetings with counselors, group therapy and medical care. Some detox programs also involve prescription medications intended to help the participants to deal with the immensely uncomfortable effects of heroin withdrawal. Sadly, the intensity and quality of such outpatient programs is often in direct correlation to its cost.
Time Frame
The length of any given heroin detox program is another element that varies from program to program. Most, however, last at least 3-4 weeks. This is due to the fact that heroin addicts, even after they have bested the worst of the withdrawal symptoms, are notoriously apt to regress and begin actively using narcotics again. Because of this, the majority of detox programs allow for continued therapy and treatment well after the actual "detox" stage has been completed. Some programs may be years in duration and the length of many is custom-tailored to each participant's progress.
There are myriad benefits associated with outpatient heroin detox programs compared to inpatient ones. To begin with, those who aren't in a position to take a lengthy leave of absence from work can benefit from outpatient programs that allow them to fit their detox around work as much as possible. Outpatient programs also allow parents who are trying to care for their children to remain with them. Another huge benefit is that outpatient programs allow those who are detoxing from heroin to remain in the comfort of home. And outpatient programs are also much less expensive than inpatient ones.
Despite the many benefits of outpatient heroin detox, for some people it just isn't a good idea. Those who will be tempted by their home environment or are unable to remove themselves from constant exposure to heroin tend to benefit much more from inpatient therapy. Also, outpatient programs aren't really capable of providing the same structure, intensity and medical care. For those who have already tried outpatient detox and failed, or for those who don't believe they'll be able to quit heroin using an outpatient program, it's best to attempt an inpatient program.