Negative Effects of Alcoholism
The impact from alcoholism is felt not only on a personal level, but in the community as well. Alcohol related crashes claimed the lives of 16,885 people in 2005. This accounted for 39 percent of all traffic related deaths.
There are actually people who are considered "functioning alcoholics." They are able to maintain jobs, raise children and in may cases they even own businesses. Their distinguishing characteristic is that they cannot go one day without drinking. It is not uncommon for them to sneak in a drink or two during the work day, and when they get home, they often indulge in excessive amounts of alcohol.
There are two other forms of alcoholism: alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency. Alcohol abuse is characterized by not being able to stop once drinking has started. In many of these cases, the person doesn't drink every day, but when they do, they drink way past their limits. Alcohol dependency is the worst form of alcoholism. The body grows dependent on alcohol and it cannot function without it.
Alcoholism carries with it many side effects. One of the major ones is it destroys the liver. It also causes poor nutrition, high blood pressure, memory loss, weakened bones, low blood sugar and it can also cause weight gain. Driving under the influence puts many innocent people's lives in danger. Alcoholism has a major impact on family and work life. It can lead to aggressive behavior, mood swings and depression. This can in turn lead to child abuse, unemployment and divorce.
The best way to prevent alcoholism is to be disciplined. Whenever drinking starts to take over other areas of daily life, then it is time to do something about it. Knowing when to stop can save lives, careers and relationships. If alcoholism is already present, then the first thing to do is go through a "detox." This is the cessation of drinking and a process that eliminates all the alcohol out of the body. The length of this procedure varies depending on the daily intake of alcohol and the length of time of the dependency. Detox is followed by rehabilitation. This is the process of staying off the alcohol. Alcoholics Anonymous is a great resource for this; recovering alcoholics meet each week and keep each other motivated and on track to stay clean.
Expert Insight
If you know someone who has a problem with alcohol, there is nothing wrong with stepping in and doing something about it. This is especially true if your life is being impacted by it. The uncomfortable feeling of being honest is going to be well worth changing a life around.