About the Dangers of Taking Artificial Steroids
Scientists first began experimenting with steroids in the 1930s. By the late 1950s, weightlifters had begun to use artificial steroids along with their strenuous workout routines. The majority took ten to a hundred times the dose prescribed by their doctors. In the 1960s, coaches and government athletic sponsors pressured athletes to use steroids. It was during the 1976 Olympics that drug testing for steroids were first used. In 1990, the United State put steroids on the schedule III controlled substances list, making it a federal crime to be in possession of steroids without a prescription. Artificial steroids include birth control pills produced from estrogen and anabolic steroids produced from testosterone.
Artificial steroid use carry many severe health risks. Major medical problems associated with steroids include a weakened immune system, liver disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased risk for heart disease, blood clots, strokes, tissue damage and cancer. Even short term steroid use can cause reduced joint flexibility, headaches, stomach aches, nose bleeding, dizziness, diarrhea and sleeping problems.
Teenagers have additional medical problems to contend with. Besides severe acne, steroids can stunt growth in children and teenagers. Several adverse effects can develop in the reproductive system as well. Steroids also increased the risk of heart problems in later life.
Steroids have different effects in men than in women. Steroid use in men causes the testicles to shrink and the sperm count to drop. Sexual side effects include reduced sexual performance, impotence and swelling of the prostate. Frequently, males will develop breasts.
Women who use steroids develop the secondary sexual characteristics of males. Anabolic steroids are made to act on the body like testosterone. It deepens women's voices, enlarges the clitoris, reduces breast size, causes head hair loss and facial hair growth. Steroids also cause abnormal menstrual cycles.
In addition to the physical risks, steroid use also carries psychological side effects. Like people who suffer from eating disorders, many who take steroids to improve their appearance have a body image obsession. These obsession sufferers constantly see flaws in their personal appearances and no amount of weight loss or muscle development will ever satisfy them, leading them to even more severe treatment of their bodies without consideration for the harm they are doing.
Men using steroids are prone to acting out with anger and violence. Severe mood swings are common regardless of the gender. Depression, nervousness and impatience are also very common among steroid users.
Despite the wide-spread abuse of steroids, scientists have never been able to prove that it actually improves performance or increases muscle mass. In fact, some scientists have suggested that the results steroids users see are actually the result of the placebo effect--because they expect to improve their muscle mass, they work harder and the results are from the increased exercise, not the steroids.
There are safer alternatives to taking anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass and burn fat. These dietary supplements are available without a prescription, and most health food stores stock them: creatine monohydrate, meal replacement shakes, whey protein, HMB, nitric oxide, zinc/magnesium aspartate, L-glutamine, and mineral and vitamin supplements.