Statistics on Homeless People With Substance Abuse Issues
Substance abuse is the overdependence of an individual on alcohol, drugs or any kind of chemical. Substance abuse can result in serious effects to the person's physical and mental health and his relationship to friends and family. Substance abuse leads to intoxication, which affects a person's perception, attention and most importantly judgment. A person with substance abuse is more likely to commit crimes.
Cessation or cutting down the amount of substance used may lead to withdrawal, anxiety and hallucinations. On other hand, overuse of substance may cause deaths.
About 50 to 60 percent of homeless people report substance abuse. This number is significantly higher than in general population, with 10 to 15 percent of Americans reporting being dependent on alcohol or drugs.
In many cases, substance abuse is a way of getting through the day. Many homeless persons get into substance after they have become homeless.
Substance abuse in homeless is often untreated since they do not have access to health care, thus causing the symptoms to worsen. Homeless people with substance abuse problems are more likely diagnosed with mental disorders, making it tremendously difficult for them to get out of homelessness. People with substance abuse problems will become homeless more frequently and stay homeless longer than other homeless people. They are also twice as likely to be arrested.
The substances most likely being abused by homeless people are alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines.
Expert Insight
There is no single solution to the issues of substance abuse among homeless people. It requires an integrated, multifaceted solution that includes treatment of substance abuse, transition housing, mental care and health care. It also requires legal, educational and welfare services. Outreach is also critical in providing help to people who resist help.