How to Treat Stimulants Addiction
Decrease how much you are taking or cut cold turkey. In order to help treat a person for stimulant addiction, it is important that they don't go through withdrawal symptoms. People who are addicted to stimulants are taking them unnecessarily and shouldn't be taking any at all. But a complete halt to the stimulants can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Decrease the amount of the stimulant that the person is addicted to slowly until he can stop taking it altogether over time.
Use rewards. Promote a healthy lifestyle without stimulant addiction by offering rewards for everyday that a person is clean. This will help the person realize the importance of treating the addiction and to stop using.
Get a friend. When treating addiction, it is important to have someone around you who supports you and wants to help you. Find a friend who is willing to look out for you and help you treat your addiction.
Attend support meetings. Support groups and meetings help you treat your addiction to stimulants. These meetings introduce you to people who are experiencing the same problems you are, so you don't feel alone as you try to treat your addiction. These meetings also help you to stay on track and overcome your addiction.
Take antidepressants if you have depression after you are completely off the stimulant. Sometimes the reason a person becomes addicted to stimulants is because of his feelings of depression. Stop taking the stimulant you are abusing and take antidepressants. If you treat your depression by taking antidepressants, you can help to treat your addiction.