How to Stop Drug Addictions
Things You'll Need
- Drug addiction
- Will power
- Support group
- Strong self control
- Counseling
Know what your problem is. If you abuse prescription drugs or cocaine, you probably have a sense of what your problem is. However, many people who are addicted to drugs cannot see the light of day. The first step in ending your addiction is realization.
Speak to a friend or close relative. Let them know you need help and ask for their continual support and guidance. They may be reluctant to help you. Realize that this is only their fear getting the best of them. By showing them real-life results, they'll know you're making an effort, and thus, will be more likely to help you.
Get professional help. Enter rehab or hire a counselor to assist you. If you can't afford professional help, there are plenty of city-wide drug treatmant programs and organizations designed to help individuals like yourself or your friend.
Stay away from drugs. Cut off ties with your dealer or friends that encourage your habit. It may be hard. It may feel wrong. But, ultimately, you'll benefit from this decision.
Occupy your mind and time with some other activity. Take care of a pet. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Start a new job. When you have responsibilities you care about, you'll be less inclined to abuse drugs.
Get rid of your triggers. If your partner, alcohol, or a certain environment acts as a trigger, get it out of your life.