How to Say No to Drinking
Start by simply saying no. Drinking is a choice and with any luck this will be enough, although as the night goes on friends who took no for an answer when sober may try to get you to start drinking later after they have had a few.
Say that you're driving and would not want to be pulled over or that you're the designated driver for others that evening. Almost everyone knows that drinking and driving is not a good idea and will get you into trouble, so with some people that will be enough.
Make excuses if saying no to drinking does not stop your friends from continuing to offer. Say that you are on medication and you cannot mix it with alcohol, or that you have to get up early in the morning, or that you will be working out in the morning.
Drink soda in a glass which could give the illusion that you are drinking a mixed drink. While this is not helping you to say no outright, it gives the impression that you already have a drink which will help to slow down the offers from friends to buy you a drink.
Stay busy so that you won't feel pressured. Switch the groups of people you're talking to, keep something in your hand and change the conversation if it turns to why you are not drinking.
Stick to the reasons you have given and do not get talked into changing your mind. Continue repeating yourself if offered more alcohol.