How to Hide Drinking From Parents When in College
Drink responsibly. Avoid binge drinking, drinking in public places and making irreversible decisions while drinking (such as getting a tattoo or body piercing). It is hard to hide a pierced tongue. Don't accept drinks from strangers. Drink with friends so you can watch out for each other and keep each other from doing something stupid.
Keep your grades up. Do all your required work. Limit partying to nights when you do not have classes, particularly those with tests, the next day. Failing classes are a sign to your parents that something is wrong.
Talk to your parents regularly while you're sober. Parents trust open communication. Tell them your plans for the week, substituting innocent activities like going to the movies for the nights you plan to drink.
Hide photographic evidence. In photo albums, keep drinking pictures on separate pages that can be removed before you show your parents. On the computer, move the drinking pictures folder to an external flash drive or CD in case your parents look through your files.
Exercise caution when you post online about your drinking experiences. You might think your parents don't know about your personal networking pages or your blog, but they could. They also may know about those blogs your friends contribute to, so let your circle know that you don't want your partying information public.
Clean before your parents come to visit. Get rid of your alcohol; having a party is a good way to use it up. Recycle your empty bottles. Take down any pictures of you drinking, your collection of beer coasters and the poster with all those vodka bottles on it.
Shower, brush your teeth and put on clean clothes before seeing your parents after drinking. Use eye drops if your eyes are bloodshot.