How to Improve Alcohol Tolerance
Each person has their own level of alcohol tolerance. Alcohol tolerance means how much alcohol you can drink before feeling drunk or getting sick. There really is no reason for wanting to improve your alcohol tolerance. Drinking a lot is not good for your health and only makes the habit more expensive. There are, however, some things you can do to slow down the rate at which you get drunk.Instructions
Eat a big meal before going out drinking to improve your tolerance. It is best to eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates and fat. You get drunk quicker on an empty stomach. Carbohydrates and fats slow down the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into your system. Eating before drinking does not prevent you from getting drunk; it just makes it happen slower.
Drink a glass of whole milk before you begin drinking alcohol. The milk coats your stomach with fat which slows down the alcoholic absorption in the same way that the food does.
Have one glass of water for each glass of alcohol that you consume. The water prevents you from getting dehydrated from the alcohol. It also helps to dilute the alcohol in your system so you do not get drunk as quickly.
Choose clean drinks. The more ingredients in the drink the more likely you are to get drunk and the worse your hangover is in the morning. A clean drink is a drink that only has two ingredients in it, such as rum and coke. Beer is not considered a clean drink because of all the chemicals it contains.
Stick to the same drink all night. Switching drinks leads to getting drunk quicker.