How to Find Help Online for a Gambling Addiction
Research suggests as many as 10 million people in the U.S. are problem gamblers. Gambling is a pleasant pastime for some people, but for others, it can turn into a serious problem. Gambling can become an addiction if it takes on the power to run or ruin a person's life. Help is freely available online for a gambling addiction.Instructions
Review the website of Gamblers Anonymous. The site poses 20 questions to ask yourself if you think you have a problem with gambling and provides a list of Gamblers Anonymous meetings throughout the world.
Utilize free email and online help for a gambling addiction at websites that offer this form of assistance. Some organizations set you up with an online "gambling therapy buddy" for additional support and guidance.
Join online forums, chat rooms and message boards on gambling help sites dealing specifically with addiction issues. These groups allow people with similar problems to experience a community atmosphere while remaining anonymous.
Call the toll-free hotline on the National Council on Problem Gambling website to access help 24/7. The site also lists problem gambling resources and counselors by state.