How to Use the National Cocaine Hotline
Call the National Cocaine Hotline at 1-800-COCAINE (1-800-262-2463). The hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is manned with trained professionals who help find assistance or just provide support. Each operator goes through a training process to give you the best support available.
Ask for information about how to spot cocaine addiction. If you are concerned about a child or loved one, call the cocaine hotline and ask them to provide a list of signs to look for in a cocaine addict.
Find assistance for a crisis intervention. Each hotline operator is equipped with guidelines and procedures if you need to perform an intervention.
Receive a referral for local rehabilitation centers. The hotline provides referrals to local rehabilitation centers all over the country. They call the center and set up your appointment and then the center calls you back to confirm your appointment.
Talk to a support operator. At the National Cocaine Hotline, callers speak with support personnel to help deal with various problems. The operators are able to assist you when your cravings for cocaine return.