How to Diagnose Anabolic Steroid Poisoning
Observe the characteristic increase in muscle mass. Physiologic doses can produce a slow or even unnoticeable growth while larger doses can cause an increase of several pounds per month. This level also may provide an increase in energy and libido.
Detect psychological effects associated with high doses of anabolic steroids. These are often noticed by family members and include depression, erratic mood swings, increased aggressiveness, irrational behavior and irritability.
Look for the adverse physical effects of anabolic steroids. The most common complaints are acne and gynecomastia. Other side effects such as alopecia, a deepened voice and hirsutism may be irreversible.
Check for virulizing effects specific to women. These include atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, changes or cessation of menstruation, a decrease in breast size and an enlarged ****oris.
Run a urine screen to detect anabolic steroid abuse. Many metabolites of anabolic steroids can be detected for six months or longer after the last use. Heavy steroid use is also strongly associated with liver disorders, the most serious of which are peliosis hepatis and liver tumors.