How to Beat Caffeine Withdrawal
Cut down on your caffeine intake, slowly. If you do, your withdrawal symptoms are apt to be much milder. You can also switch to milder forms of caffeine, like tea or decaffeinated coffee, until you are able to stop completely. Then, continue to curb the number of drinks you drink until you are able to eliminate them altogether.
Drink lots of water. Drinking ample water will help detoxify your body as well as ward off caffeine headaches. Do not drink large amounts at once; it is better to evenly consume water throughout the day, so that your kidneys don't have to work so hard.
Have mild pain relievers on hand. Since headaches are the most common withdrawal symptom, have pain relievers, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen ready to take. One or two should knock down the pain. Expect to take them for up to five days or until your body has expelled the caffeine from your system.
Get out and exercise. The endorphins that your body produces during physical activity will give you the stimulation that you crave and will provide you with a healthier alternative to the high you get from caffeine.
Sleep. Getting plenty of rest will help your body cope with withdrawal, and taking short naps during the day will help you feel energized and deal with possible withdrawal headaches.