How to Say No to Drugs
Educate yourself. Learn about the adverse effects drugs have on the body and mind. Visit a drug rehabilitation center, and talk to patients there. Read books and articles about drug addiction. It's easier to say no to drugs when you have all the facts.
Talk to your parents. Open the lines of communication. You can often find that your parents are a great source of comfort and support.
Find positive role models. Sports, music and the film industry may seem to be filled with negative role models, but there are plenty of positive ones as well. You can also find role models in your parents, grandparents and older siblings.
Suggest other activities when your friends bring up drugs. Offer to do something else such as playing a game, going to the movies or taking a trip to the mall.
Concentrate on your past accomplishments and your skills and talents. Think about the activities that give you pleasure, whether it's painting, playing sports or exercising.
Plan your future. Think about what might be wasted if you don't just say no to drugs.