How to Treat Heroin Addiction
Things You'll Need
- Physician
- Addiction treatment specialist
- Behavioral therapist
Act early, if possible. A heroin addict's chances of recovery are greatly increased if the problem is addressed quickly, rather than after years of drug abuse.
Understand that methadone substitution has a strong track record for helping heroin addicts recover. Methadone is a synthetic opioid that controls heroin cravings by blocking heroin's effects on the body, eliminating withdrawal symptoms. However, the waiting list at a methadone clinic may be lengthy, forcing the addict to consider other possibilities.
New alternative drug therapies are gaining momentum among addiction treatment professionals. In particular, the use of dihydrocodeine and buprenorphine are becoming increasingly widespread. Buprenorphine is similar to methadone, but with less effective opioid action and much lower risk of creating a physical dependence of its own. Dihydrocodeine, a relative newcomer, is attractive because it comes at a fraction of the cost of methadone and is considered safer, less toxic and equally effective.
Sign the heroin addict up for behavioral therapy. Professionals universally recognize the effectiveness of therapy as a treatment method. Cognitive-behavioral interventions, in which the therapist attempts to help the user understand what led them to addictive behavior in the first place, has been successful. However, many experts agree that behavioral therapy is most effective when combined with other treatments, particularly methadone or an equivalent.
Be prepared for a difficult battle. While the most acute heroin withdrawal symptoms typically abate within a week of discontinued use of the drug, a general irritability and craving for heroin can linger for months or years afterwards. Psychological and physical cravings for the drug are the leading cause of relapse in users who have been treated for addiction. Continued medical care and therapy is necessary to overcome heroin addiction.
Stay positive. With proper care and a strong will, heroin addiction can be beaten.